Teaching and Outreach
We are members of the NSF MOSAIC CCI Phase I and NSF COMPASS STC, and are actively involved in the center-based outreach and educational activities. In addition:
2024 Illinois MRSEC REU Program
2024, 2019 Beckman Open House
2022-Present SEBA Volunteering Activities with Brooker T. Washington Elementary School
2019 High School Summer Research Program
The Chen group shared some “squishy soft materials” fun with students from Chicago Public Schools, in collaboration with the ICANEXSEL (Illinois-ChiS&E Alliance for Nurturing Excellence in STEM Education and Leadership) outreach program.
This summer we hosted Valerie Cravens, a science teacher in Albuquerque High School (Albuquerque, NM), who worked in the Chen lab with Johnny and Ahyoung.
Nano@engineering RET program: Nickey, a math teacher in Wheeler High School (Marietta, GA), worked in the Chen lab with Juyeong, and presented her work in a poster session of the RET program.
MSE 480/CHEM 488: Surface and Colloids
Chemistry and physics of surfaces and interfaces, with emphasis on behavior in liquid media. Surface composition; surface and interfacial forces; colloidal stability and flocculation; amphiphilic molecules. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours.
MSE 450:Polymer Science and Engineering
Polymer synthesis, mechanical properties, thermodynamics, with emphasis on practical applications. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours.
Join Us!
We have openings for undergrads, PhD students, and postdocs with background in TEM, nanoscience or biology. Interested candidates can send your CV to Prof. Chen at qchen20@illinois.edu